Criminal Defense

How Do Legal Traffic Lawyers Help You?

By |2023-03-08T03:43:34+00:00December 1st, 2022|Criminal Defense, General Questions, Traffic Tickets|

How Do Legal Traffic Lawyers Help You? If you have received a traffic violation, you know how much of an inconvenience and financial burden it can be. Fortunately, traffic lawyers can help you navigate the complexities of traffic violations and assist you in receiving the most favorable outcome possible. In addition, with their focused practice

How Do I Face A False Domestic Violence Assault Charge?

By |2023-04-04T13:52:24+00:00November 1st, 2022|Criminal Defense, General Questions|

How Do I Face A False Domestic Violence Assault Charge? Facing a false domestic violence assault charge can be an incredibly difficult and stressful experience. Therefore, it is important to understand the legal process of dealing with such a charge and the potential consequences of being found guilty. This blog post will discuss the steps

Criminal Lawyer: How Can Criminal Lawyers Help You Win Your Case?

By |2023-04-04T13:52:35+00:00October 1st, 2022|Criminal Defense, General Questions|

Criminal Lawyer: How Can Criminal Lawyers Help You Win Your Case? If you are facing a criminal charge, you need the experience and skill of a criminal defense lawyer to help you win your case. A criminal defense lawyer is a legal professional defending individuals accused of a crime. Stuck at how criminal lawyers help

How To Handle False Criminal Accusations In Alabama

By |2023-01-10T03:13:54+00:00May 1st, 2022|Criminal Defense|

How To Handle False Criminal Accusations In Alabama It’s every person’s nightmare to be accused of a crime they did not commit. What is even scarier is that the wrongful conviction activist group The Innocence Project reports that 1% or about 20,000 U.S. prisoners are currently wrongfully imprisoned, to some degree on account of false

What You Need to Know About Drowsy Driving Accidents

By |2023-01-10T03:13:54+00:00April 1st, 2022|Criminal Defense, General Questions|

What You Need to Know About Drowsy Driving Accidents While most people know not to drive after drinking or using any type of substance, many people do not understand that driving while fatigued or exhausted can have just as disastrous of effects as drunk driving. While in a state of fatigue, the human body begins

Domestic Violence Against Men Is The Rampant Issue No One Is Talking About 

By |2023-01-10T03:13:57+00:00November 1st, 2021|Criminal Defense, General Questions|

When most people think of domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence, they typically think of the perpetrator of the violence as a man and the victim of the abuse as a woman. While the majority of domestic violence cases often follow that pattern, a disturbingly high number of cases involve male victims. These

Explaining The Difference Between A Misdemeanor And A Felony Charge In Alabama

By |2023-07-14T15:35:03+00:00September 1st, 2021|Criminal Defense, General Questions|

Misdemeanor Vs. Felony Charge in Alabama There is a huge difference between being charged with a misdemeanor, and being charged with a felony in the state of Alabama. The former is much less severe, sometimes resulting in only a fine of up to $500. The latter is a much more serious penalty and can even

Alabama Personal Injury Statute Of Limitations Explained

By |2023-07-14T15:35:08+00:00August 1st, 2021|Criminal Defense, Personal Injury|

The legal term statute of limitations is something that most people have heard. Whether hearing about it from a case from the news, or in an episode of Law and Order, it is fairly common to at least have a vague idea of what the statute of limitations is in a court of law. However,

What Is An Aggravated DUI?

By |2023-07-14T15:34:36+00:00April 1st, 2021|Criminal Defense, General Questions, Traffic Tickets|

Everyone knows that you shouldn’t drive drunk. With all the different ride-share app options available to us now it’s shocking that people still get pulled over for DUI’s. A regular DUI is bad enough for your record. You may have to do community service and it will cause your insurance rates to skyrocket. But what

Why You Should Get An Attorney For Your Traffic Ticket

By |2023-07-14T15:35:31+00:00March 1st, 2021|Criminal Defense, General Questions, Traffic Tickets|

Getting pulled over is one of the worst feelings. Oftentimes you’re already late to wherever you were speeding to and getting slapped with a $200 at minimum ticket is the perfect way to ruin your day. Not only that but you’ll have to take time off of work or school to appear in court, and

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